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Moderation : Cyberhorse, Serraei

Some teamhorses cant be bred. If I buy a foal from a team thats only aged a few hours then age it to breeding age, will it be able to breed?

1 answer14 views

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The simple answer here is it depends on whether the team has lowered the GP release for sales, the ones that can't be bred are ones that are over their GP release. It isn’t worth buying a team foal unless you can blup and breed them fast since the big teams lower the GP release, cheating players out of their passes. Just make sure to check whether they can breed by checking the parents first.

The short answer is yes but don't buy 2 foals (male and female) from the same team as this will automatically put the teams affix on them and make the offspring unable to breed if the team lowers their GP release. Your best bet is buy two different teams horses and breed them as fast as possible.