QЦΛЯƬΣЯMΛƧƬΣЯƧ is recruiting! Our goal is to regain our position as the top Quarter Horse producing team on this server, bringing you quality QHs at a reasonable price along the way. If this interests you,  please click the link to view the team page and follow the instructions there to apply to join. 

Take a look in sales tab. Everything from GA/RCs to team GP release horses for sale will be located there. 

Buying horses with this affix: Яunning ßlood ǪH (but it has arrows, howrse wont let me save the presentation with it) This is the first team I was ever on and where I met some of the kindest people in this game. Please message me with a link and your asking price if you have one. They aren't even remotely close to the best QH in the game anymore but they would be special to me. 405a07c944db94dcebf5dcaf189a81e1.png

About Me

I am an adult woman born in the late 1900s. All children are expected to get adult permission before contacting me regarding anything and everything.

I am a huge geek! I love everything from Dungeons and Dragons to anime of almost all types. I'm an avid reader who enjoys mainly high fantasy novels, but sometimes dips into mystery and general fiction. Naomi Novik, Sarah J Maas, and RA Salvatore are a few of my current favorite authors.
 For D&D it is my personal mission to play every elf subrace. I have five characters each in their own campaign/one shot atm. Still several more to go! I'm definitely a dice goblin. I've lost count of how many sets I have but I promise, they get used. A single nat 1 lands them in jail. 
I am unashamedly a follower of Christ. I do not place myself under any denomination. Too many have become political and thereby more like the Pharisees than Jesus. The Christ of the Bible is not the Christ of politics and it pains me to see His name being used in such ways.  
I have two cats, and two dogs. My oldest cat is 12 and she's half Ragdoll. Her name is Blossom. My younger one is 7 and she's half gremlin. Her name is Cinder. Both are chonks. My youngest dog just turned one. His name is Cassian and he is a Norwegian Elkhound. The older one is a Bluenose Pitbull. His name is Riker and he is  9 years old and the BIGGEST baby I've ever seen. 
Other things aside from Howrse that I enjoy participating in are marksmanship, archery, camping, hiking, fishing, music, art, video games, and SLEEP. I love sleep. Sleep is love, sleep is life. 
If you think we would be good friends, don't hesitate to send me a message! I also typically accept friend requests, until people start begging for free stuff. So as long as you don't do that, we'll be cool.

About My Game

I am putting my focus into my teams and trophies. When I took my most recent leave of the game, I gave away many of my divines and other coated horses to friends and teammates. I'm not asking for any of them back. I plan on collecting them all again from scratch, so to speak. I will be compiling a list and will have it put up here eventually. 
I do breed unicorns, but not nearly as well as some players, lol. I mostly just breed them for the GA coats. I also slowly breed Donkeys and Draft Horses. 
I've ran into some nasty people here, so my guard is always up when it comes to my friends and my teams. I will not be allowing members onto my teams without them meeting certain requirements. You are more than welcome to apply, but please understand the precautions we take to avoid bad experiences. 
When it comes to sales, I always list my horses as negotiable. I am always open to offers of equal the asking price and will consider trades that are within the game rules.  Please don't hesitate to ask. The worst that can happen is I say no. 
I will join or help create teams as VIP fillers, but I am not interested in joining a team as a breeder. I have my hands full with the ones I am on and my own breeding projects. 

In Search Of

Book of Monsters: Newt

Fifth Element: Metal (horse, Pegasus)

Wanderers Spirit: Too many to list, but mainly interested in the Unicorn, Urban Legends and Butterfly collections currently.

