I'm a daily player, usually on in the morning, which means:

-If there are any event clicks for friends, trades, etc. I attend to them before logging off.  
-I congratulate the 5 most recent who have congratulated me as well as all friends.
-I am on for a while caring for all of my horses, eq center, etc. and then usually don't log in again until the following day.

Feel free to add me as a friend but please note that if you are inactive for 90 days+ without any mention of an extended break on your presentation you'll be removed.  You can always send another friend request when you return.

I'm working on decreasing the total number of horses I have to deal with in a day due to simply not having enough time.  I want to continue being a daily player, but just cannot spend as much time going through everything as I have been.

!!!!! - Also please note I have severe anxiety, including social anxiety, so if you send me a message and I don't necessarily send a response (unless a direct question/request is asked and can be easily answered/attended to) I may not respond right away or at all.  This is not because I've decided I don't like you or don't want to be friendly, sometimes I'm just unable to work past the anxiety block.  Please have patience.

~Notes For Me~
54 RS
54 Horses

1 Ancestral
28 Divine
2 Donkeys
4 CC
2 Dressage
2 Gallop
2 SJ
2 Trot
2 BR
3 Cutting
2 Reining
2 Trail
2 WP
0 Other

Goal :51 Horses Max
1 Ancestral
28 Divine
2 Donkeys
2 CC
2 Dressage
2 Gallop
2 SJ
2 Trot
2 BR
3 Cutting
2 Reining
2 Trail
2 WP
0 Other