I am a returning player and decided to give this game another chance. 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582022760.png

My current goal for the game is to play the game everyday because it is best to start with baby steps. 8bfaf7be049bd4fa5e254020733fe354_v1582024785.png

None of my horses are for sale because I am trying to slowly build up again so do no bother asking.   

If a horse is up for sale then it is for sale. 

LOOKING FOR: Active Friends, Do not hesitate to send a friend request. 0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab_v1582024785.png

If you are under 18 years old then please ask your parent or guardian before messaging me. I will get back to messages when I have time.