Always nice if you are already down you get more blows to put you way more down. Why couldend other teams keep there high gp horses off the market 374753e31a17a60d7e8143c80e91ea32_v1582024785.png
Its just so annoying when we have a old team and than the uni team sells off there high fails and now we dont have a chance anymore.

After my dog passed (1-10-2023) i put a lot of work to make our icelandic team nr 1 again. I think bluping and having a goal was a nice distraction and now i feel the pain off her los again. 

Lots of Icelandic Horse for sale with pets

my uni cover record in less than a minut: 37



Yosta  German Shepherd ((d).png?345680197 9-11-2013) she was 13 years old

Murron German Shepherd (625486c67a9a05320a216cf35bf53868.png 4-13-2022) she was 9 years old

Nox German Shepherd (625486c67a9a05320a216cf35bf53868_v1582022760.png 1-10-2023) she was almost 13 years old