200th person to congratulate me wins a free colt or filly!

I am starting a rescue and rehab center if you wish for me to send you your horse back when it is healthy and trained just PM me. Send me your horses in reserved sales.

Heart4cats is giving away 500,000 equus! Go to her page to find out more!

Thank You

32341728.gifput this on your page if your against animal abuse!


 owner:yellowjackets11 RIP Rohan 9:55 pm June 25th 2013. Put this on your page if you want Howrse to put the horses of the owners who leave Howrse in the Safe Haven for a chance, the chance that Rohan never got.  By jfoxpoint








99% of teenage girls would give anything to have a boyfriend. Post this on your page if you are part of the 1% that would dump him for a horse


5ddhyYS41QiRm_OX-ZELbTKi5G_TVZHngG02XepOZZvJNLc14A1ii9k22IvmmSxwVZc3E-YZMX57IxBLiK89rxorfK5cmYMzO7uWz1hfpH4sITbwnwMTa6-p  Help this rainbow sheep travel the world by putting it on your page!
You see a kid abusing a puppy with a baseball bat.
97% of people would yell STOP!

2% of them would cheer
1% would take the baseball bat, hit the kid, and take the puppy. 

I am part of that 1%! Post this on your page if you are too!

25839010.gifPut Spirit on your page so he can travel the world!

 Your boyfriend says it's me or the horse, you can live without a boyfriend, but horses are irreplaceable!

Post this on your page if you agree!


You have been on my page for minutes and seconds.




 I'm too young too die.

I am against animal slaughter post this on your page if you are too!
































