I recently came up with an idea i'd like to pursue. For any player that is new or just recently gained access to the sales and is searching for a high GP horse to use as a foundation look no further! I sell high GP horses to newer players at an affordable rate that works for the player. Granted most of my current stock is either Teke or Thoroughbred I plan to expand soon. This works the same way with covers.

Feel free to message me with questions!!


MoRe AbOuT ME :)

I'm Tori I live in one of the several states in the middle of the US and I sadly don't own a horse but wish to own a few when I get the chance. A couple of philosophy's I hold very dear on this game are that everyone should have a part in everything and that we should all help each other try to be the best we can (with or without passes).

I except all friends requests, will answer all questions, will reserve a cover to any mare from one of my stallions and return all congrats I see. Also if you see a horse that you like that doesn't have a GA coat, or isn't a Divine then please feel free to make an offer but if I don't except it don't throw a fit. Just let me know what you're looking for and I'll aid you in your search.




