Please do not enable the Shared Management with me, I will not use it. And please do not send me messages asking to buy or trade for one of my Uni's, they will never be sold. However please do send messages if you want a covering from any that are up for stud. Thank You.

I will be breeding Akhal-Teke's, French Trotter's, Welsh's, Connemara's and more. I also crossbreed for fun.

I will also be breeding Uni's. Right now I only breed Welsh, Connemara, Gypsy Vanner and Hanoverian Uni's.


My Studs:             All coverings for 500e unless stated otherwise next to the stud.


Quinn: Strawberry Roan-350.98 GP-Foundation

Kalona: Mousey Gray-351.69 GP

Milk Chocolate: Flaxen Liver Chestnut-360.60 GP

Shinedown: Black-367.81 GP


French Trotter:

Gideon: Black-351.02 GP-Foundation

Machiavel-Angelo: Liver Chestnut-350.00 GP- Foundation


Ducky: Cherry Bay-351.20 GP-Foundation Uni

Yako Never Gave Up: Flaxen Liver Chestnut-353.07 GP-Uni

Don't Wanna Give Up: Bay-353.79 GP-Uni

OMG Third in a row: Dark Bay-354.05 GP-Uni

Duck Duck Goose: Black-356.01 GP-Uni

Ducky's Late Arrival: Dark Bay-357.76 GP-Uni

Thing Two: Dun-358.73 GP-Uni

Dun It Well: Dun-359.99 GP-Uni 1000e coverings, 500e if reserved for a Uni



Seeking Spirits: Dapple Gray-352.31 GP

Lucky Charm: Dapple Gray-353.34 GP-Uni

Bay At The Moon: Bay-353.72 GP-Uni

Horned One: Chestnut-355.52 GP-Uni

The Lucky One: Dapple Gray-355.40 GP-Uni

Luck Of the Connie: Cherry Bay-357.09 GP-Uni 1000e coverings, 500e if reserved for a uni



Wonka's Gold Ticket: Bay Blanket-351.20 GP-Foundation


Gypsy Vanner:

Gypsy Man: Chestnut-351.20 GP-Foundation

Big Imagination: Chestnut Tobiano-351.20 GP-Foudation Uni 1000e coverings, 500e if reserved for a uni



Nokota Dragon: Black-351.20 GP Foundation



Mortui Alas: 50% TB/50% Welsh-Welsh Dominant-Bay-434.75 GP

Dan Heart: 50% Teke/50% Arabian-Arab Dominant-Black-536.68 GP

GhostOfMustangPast: 50% TB/50% Mustang-Mustang Dominant-Few Spots-428.53 GP

Blue Jay: 55.9% Teke/44.1% TB-Teke Dominant-Light Gray-723.57 GP


I'm an adult female player of 22. I don't own a horse in real life but I was able to hang out with some big draft horses that a neighbor had for awhile. We have several cats so most days are not boring (example: Trouble vs the pond = wet cat = laughing humans). We also have several different types of fish and a Corn Snake.