Hello all! 



My Breeding

Currently, I am working on my own, but I am a skilled blupper looking to join a team.  PM me if you have a team looking for members 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png


M2935.68 is a Quarter horse with coverings offered currently to the public!



7-22-12: Meadowlark is currently #1 in skills for Knabstruppers and has for 3 days straight now!


1/19/12 - Wow I haven't updated in forever!  My new Shagya Arab, Hardest of Hearts, is 7th on the elite board today:-)).png?QwDfefsd4

6/21/11 - Thank you to all who visited Alvidia, she is ranked 1st in popularity!  She is also ranked 41 overall(top 100 in everything else) and 58 for GP  in connemaras :-)).png?ugf78dsm8fqsbfkh

6/6/11: Thank you to all who visited Hippogriff Headline, she was ranked 6th in populatiry today and is moving up in the skills ranksing as well


4/27/11:  Whooo!  finally i'm really back and starting to do well, my black mare was ranked 28th in popularity today!


1-28-11: My Golden Girl is ranked 3rd on the elite board for trotters!


1-20-11: Arabella is ranked 3rd on the elite board!  Also in the top five for everything else except for gallop!   


1-19-11: My Lord John is ranked 1st! in the elite for Trotters!  He's not mine anymore, but I bred him so i'm happy anyway!:-)).png


1-18-11:  My Lord John is ranked 2nd on the french Trotters elite board, whith skill left to gain!!!


1-16-11:  First foal born!  My Lord John has 105ibs and 351.17gp before games!  I will take offers on him!


1-15-11:  Prairie Bird is now 3rd in the elite for trotters!!!  with some skill left to gain!!!


1-14-11:  Congrats to Prairie Bird, my first mare!  Ranked 1st:o.png  in stamina for trotters and 35th overall!Also ranked 12 overal in GP for trotters!


Highest ranking so far is 1-18-11: 115th!

I'm Indy77!  I'll except any friend request, but it would be nice for you to just pm me first to say hi!  :).png


Black Market

I will always buy Morpheus Arms and Pieces of Cloud-if you have some, pm with your price!


About Me

A lot has changed over the past year.  I'm now a college student and no longer have a lot of time to dedicate to the game.  I had to sell my mini, Izzy, to a new home where she is doing well.  I still miss her so much.  Everything else on this presenation is pretty much the same!  Have a great day everyone

I show miniatures with my aunt's farm, and I have one of my own.  Her name is Lucky Four SantaFe Hushaby Bey (long, I know!!) But I call her Izzy for short (random, but it fits her!)  She's almost three now, but it feels like almost no time has passed since I got her at 6 months old.  I love her to pieces, she's my little girl(l).png?779456162

 My favourite thing to do is fencing-I started almost four years ago now.  It's so much fun!  I compete at a national level now in Womans Epee.  I also am a 2nd degree black belt in TaeKwon-Do so don't mess with me! (lol).png  I love reading, writing, history, and like to try out exciting things, like flying planes.  (Yes, I seriously will be getting my pilot's license soon)  I am obsessed with the tv show Downton Abbey-it's amazing!  I totally suggest watching it!!! (online on PBS Masterpeice Classic)  I've read so many books its not funny, so if you like to talk about books, pm me cause I've probably read whatever it is.  Um....I ballroom dance too. I'm at gold level (the level before pro) so that's pretty cool.  I can't think of anything else right now, so I guess that's it! 


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