
Thank you for stopping by my page! I will do by best to return congratulations and I try to get on here as often as possible.

My Game: 

I play on Howrse for fun.  I do not accept random friend requests or random messages unless it will be about one of my horses. Please check out my coverings from my stallions and if you want, we can work out a reasonable price! I normally have one or two horses for sale, but in the case there is not a horse for sale, feel free to look around at The Other Horses tab to see if there is a horse in there that you may want.
Covering and Stallions - 
Holiday- A Irish Hunter with a BLUP of 100 and gp at a 1094.20 points.
New York- A Lippizzan with 100 BLUP
A Chili Flame- An Akhal-Teke with 100 BLUP and 1854.9 GP
The Under Flower- An Akhal- Teke with 100 BLUP and 1147.66 GP.
Starfire Raven- An Akhal-Teke with 100 BLUP and 1177.48 GP
Song of the Night- Thoroughbred with 100 BLUP and 3666.41 GP   (My highest GP horse!)


I do ride and absolutely love every minute of it! I jump currently but in the past, I have done barrel racing and other western sports. Some of the fandoms I am apart of are Marvel (MCU/movies), DC (shows), Throne of Glass and A Court of Thrones and Roses, Pretty Little Liars, The Good Place, Brooklyn 99 (my latest obsession), The Office, and Parks and Rec.

Thank you for coming and come back soon!