My horse life<3 :
Horses are my life iv been around farm animals&horses since I was a toddler. I barrel race and just straight up race with friends or run down the side of the road racing cars I have that itch for speed I have 3 horses Koda who was the first iv had him for 10 years Doll Baby iv had her for 3 and Trick Pony going on 6 years but he's the baby of the family But I also have enough blue ribbons to cover every wall in my house :3 message me I don't care I love chatting add me I don't mind PC first I'm an adult player I have pics below so everyone can see my beautiful furry four legged babies<3
Koda and I
koda and misty
Koda and trick pony
and my pretty Baby Doll
Baby Doll
Trick Pony<3