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Fjord Pony Coat Colors

Brunblakk - Brown Dun 90%
Rodblakk -  Red Dun 4%
Gra -     Gray 3%
Ulsblakk -   White Dun 2%
Gulblakk -   Yellow Dun 1%

My Other Accounts:

flag-ru.png  Enya


My Affixes:  

Love Divine - for my love divines :)_v1828806360.png

Kindred Divines - for my other divines

Unicorn Heart - for my horses that have the heart of a unicorn but not the horn


~ A Serious Question ~

A kitten went a~walking
One morning in July
And idly fell a~talking
With a great big butterfly.

The kitten's tone was airy,
The butterfly would scoff;
When there came along a fairy
Who whisked his wings right off.

And then - for it is written
Fairies can do such things -
Upon the startled kitten
She stuck the yellow wings.

The kitten felt a quiver,
She rose into the air,
Then flew down to the river
To view her image there.

With fear her heart was smitten,
And she began to cry:
"Am I a butter~kitten?
Or just a kitten~fly?"

~ Poem by Carolyn Wells ~ 
  American author and poet
June 18, 1862 - March 26, 1942


I got these from the Howrse Helper site before it shut down.


Questions Beginning With “WHAT”

Published by Jessica

What are signs of a submissive horse?

     Licks/chews and lowers head

What are splints?

     Bones found on either sides of the cannon bones

What are the three basic tools needed for cleaning a horse’s stall?

     Pitchfork, wheelbarrow, gloves

What are three conformational faults in a horses’ legs?

     Bench kneed, sickle hocked, post legged

What breed of horse features a dished face and high set tail?


What breed of horse features in the movie “Miracle of the White Stallions”?


What breed of horse is unsuitable to ride?


What can it mean if your horse is dropping food out of his mouth?

     His teeth need floating

What causes horses to get Botulism?

     A bacterial organism called clostridium botulinum

What characteristic is unique to the Bashkir Curly?

     Wavy, curly tufts of hair

What coat color is usually red with white hairs mixed in the body?

     Red Roan

What color best describes a bay horse?

     Has a brown body, black mane and tail, and black points

What complications may occur in a mare who has not properly passed the placenta after foaling?

     Laminitis and Uterine infection

What do wild horses most commonly eat?


What do you call the line that runs down the middle of a dressage arena?

     Center line

What do you not use on a horse’s hooves?

     Engine oil

What does a red ribbon tied to a horses tail at a show mean?

     It means the horse kicks

What is “cow-hocked”?

     The hocks are tipped inward

What is a bone that humans and have and horses don’t?


What is a Flying Change?

     Changing a canter lead without slowing to trot.

What is a ‘freestyle to music’ dressage test?

     A test choreographed by the rider and set to music

What is a Friesian’s defining feature?

     Feathers on lower legs

What is a Serpentine?

     A series of half circles and straight lines

What is a sign of mouth pain?

     Tossing of the head or resisting the bit.

What is another name for “toed in” in reference to judging the front legs and hooves of a horse?


What is it called when you ride a horse without a saddle?


What is NOT a common bedding product?


What is not a conformational fault in a horse?


What is the best attitude to have around horses?

     Gentle, yet firm

What is the dandy brush used for?

     Removing dry mud, lifting dirt to the coat surface

What is the ideal bedding to use in a foaling stall to prevent infections in the foal?


What is the ideal size of a stall for an adult horse?

     12 x 12 ft

What is the ideal temperament for a working police horse?

     Calm, bombproof

What is the most popular horse breed for Reining?

     Quarter Horse

What is the mother of a horse called?


What is the name of the creature that is part horse and part human?


What is the risk of soaking hay cubes in hot weather?

     Soaked cubes can start to ferment

What is true of stalls for draft horses?

     They need to be larger than regular stalls

What is usually the maximum weight a horse should carry?

     20% of it’s own weight

What lucky things do horses wear on the bottom of their feet?


What material are saddles traditionally made of?


What should you never do while working with horses?

     Return a hot horse to his stall

What term is used to describe the way horses interact with each other?

     Herd Dynamics

What type of bedding should you use when your mare is giving birth?


What type of equipment would you use to clean out your horses hooves?

     Hoof pick

What types of breeds are best suited for ranchwork?

     Stock breeds

What will your horse’s stall smell like if you’ve been feeding it too much protein?


What’s fleabitten?

     A coat colour

What’s the purpose of the soft rubbery sole found on a newborn foal’s hoof?

     Prevents damage to pregnant mares & placenta.

Questions Beginning With “WHICH”

Published by Jessica

Which bit would be a good choice for a beginning English rider to use?

     D-Ring Snaffle

Which breed of horse is commonly used for endurance rides?


Which color of horse is more prone to get skin cancer?


Which company has an annual horse show for its models?


Which criteria has to be met to be the winner of a barrel race?

     Fastest, clean run

Which horse breed originated in deserts?


Which horse breed was called the “Palouse horse” before they got their most recent and final name?


Which horse that competed in the 2008 (134th) Kentucky Derby died shortly after the race due to injury?

     Eight Belles

Which insect can pass the West Nile virus to horses?


Which is not an Olympic discipline?

     Barrel Racing

Which is not one of the four basic rules for riding?

     Look down

Which is the breed most globally recognized for its skills in racing?


Which is the correct order for the Dressage letters around a small arena?

     A K E H C M B F

Which is the last remaining wild species of horse?


Which item was mythically known to have been used to tame Pegasus?

     Athena’s Bridle

Which lateral gait is unique to the Missouri Fox Trotter?

     Fox Trot

Which marking does not occur on a horse’s face?

     Coronet band

Which of the following causes a horse to grow a winter coat?

     Shorter daylight hours

Which of the following does not affect the amount of food a horse needs?

     Coat color

Which of the following is important to have in a horse paddock?

     A reliable water source

Which of the following is not a function of a horse’s skeletal system?

     To circulate blood

Which of the following is NOT an English class in the United States?


Which of the following terms is NOT associated with the head of a horse?


Which of these are poisonous for horses?


Which of these horses very rarely stays black as they age?


Which of these is *not* a horse grooming tool?

     Flea comb

Which of these is a coat with a red base pigment?

     Red dun

Which of these is not a breed of horse?


Which of these is not a coat color?

     Purple spotted

Which of these is NOT an endangered horse breed?

     Paint horse

Which of these people fit and make horseshoes?

     A Farrier

Which of these plants is NOT poisonous to horses?


Which of these would be considered “unsafe” around a horse?

     Leading a horse with no lead rope

Which one of these equestrian events is not timed?


Which part of the English Bridle goes into the horse’s mouth?


Which parts of an apple are edible to horses?

     The whole thing

Which piece of tack used on a horse stops a saddle moving forward?

     A crupper

“WHEN”, “WHERE”, “WHO”, & “WHY” Questions

Published by Jessica

When a foal is still nursing from its mother, what is the foal called?

     Suckling foal

When buying a horse for a young rider what is the best disposition choice?

     Calm, interested and alert

When holding the reins properly for English riding, which part of the hand should be highest above the horse’s neck?


When riding a horse on the road with car traffic you should:

     Stay a safe distance from the cars around you

Where are the withers located on a horse?

     Right above the shoulders

Who is the blacksmith of the gods in Greek mythology?


Why did it become customary to mount horses from the left?

     In olden days swords were worn on the left.

Why is it wrong to use a curry comb on the lower part of a horse’s legs?

     There is no muscle below the knee/hock to cushion the bones

Why might you want a martingale?

     So horse doesn’t throw his head up when riding

Questions A to H

Published by Jessica

A gait NOT performed in Dressage is…

     The jog

A horse with a bad temper is called?


A stall cannot be made from which material?


All horses should have what in their diet?


An ideal competitive weight for a jockey is…

     100 pounds

Arabian horses have black skin so they cannot be which of these colors?

     Dominant white

At a horse show, if the class is Baby Green Hunter U/S, what does the U/S stand for?

     Under Saddle

Fire extinguishers should be posted where in the barn?

     At every exit and in the tack room

Friesians were most popular in the Middle Ages for what job?

     Carrying knights

From earliest times what color horses are mythologized with exceptional properties?


Hippology is a Greek word that means… ?

     Study of horses

Horses are good for all of these things except which one?

     Growing Wool

Horses show they are angry when….?

     They pin their ears back

How long, before and after riding, can you feed your horse sweet feed?

     One hour

How many eyes does a horse have?


How many foals does a female donkey generally produce in a year?


How many horns does a unicorn have?


How much does an adult horse’s hoof wall grow per month?

     1/4 to 1/2 inch

How often should an average horse have his/her teeth floated?

     As often as needed

Questions I to T

Published by Jessica

If a horse refuses to jump two time in Olympic Show Jumping, the horse and rider are:


If someone falls off while you’re riding you should do what?

     Stop your horse until you know the situation is under control

If your riding instructor says, “shorten up,” what is he or she most likely referring to?

     Your reins

In horses, colic usually occurs in what body part?


In order to help a thin horse to gain weight, what should you add to its diet?


In the western discipline what is the equivalent of a trot?


In the wild several young stallions may combine to form a small herd. What is this herd called?

     Bachelor Band

In what discipline are double bridles most often used?


In which breed is the coat pattern skewbald acceptable for registration?

     Paint Horse

Long, sloping pasterns help a horse to have what?

     Smooth gaits

Mange is a very contagious disease, what causes it?

     Several species of mites.

Moldy hay can be fed when?

     Never, you shouldn’t feed a horse moldy hay

My horse makes funny sounds when he is breathing, and his neck is swollen. What could it be?


Originally, Shire horses were used to draw carts to deliver what?

     Ale to Pubs and Taverns

Riding your horse without a saddle is called what?


Teaser stallions are used to help…

     Determine when mares in heat are ready to be bred

The skill of horse riding is known as what?


The Tennessee Walking Horse is famous for which of the following gaits?

     The running walk

This should start within 10 minutes of birth.

     Suckle reflex

Thoroughbreds originate from native English mares crossbred with which stallions?


To control bleeding on an injured horse, you should:

     Apply pressure to the wound

Trail riding is also known as what?


The skill of horse riding is known as what?
