2/9/25:  Real life has kept me from doing much blupping or any skilling for a year or so.  Some things have changed and given me the chance to play more.  Enjoying blupping for my team.  Not ready yet to spend the time making skillers. I'm usually looking for Western skillers that are no longer on top, but will still take within the top 15 or so in the grand prix.

6/16/23: Took second place in both the Western and Classic weekly Grand Prix and achieved the trophy for 100 Grand Prix distinctions (placing in the top 10 weekly Grand Prix) within a year. The previous trophy was for 50 in a year, and though the trophy doesn't say it has to be within a year; it was.  If there is no further distinctions trophy, I can stop doing classic skillers and start doing more exercise to get rid of some of the 37 pounds I've gained since starting back on Howrse.

2/22/23:  My internet connection got so slow this month that I couldn't do a skiller in less than eight hours with the wait time between being able to click and a page refresh rate of over 30 seconds.  Last week after internet was down completely for awhile it came back faster than it's been for years.  I just completed a skiller in an hour and 25 minutes.  It's great to watch the spinning Ow for less than two seconds while a horse is aging. Makes the game fun again.  Hoping the internet speed holds.

4/27/21:  Just visiting, having left the game a couple of years ago to be more active IRL. Glad to have had more time with my pets, as two of the horses (35 and 25 years old), the donkey, one cat and the blind ranch dog of the real Dusty Boots Corral have since passed on to their next lives.

6/3/21:  Still here, not blupping nor buying passes. This is still an extremely addictive game.

7/10/21: OMG, have bought a few passes and am now blupping and breeding a few for my team; who kindly kept me on through my hiatus. Have raised a couple of skillers; the worst, most boring part of Howrse. Have also gained 10 pounds since April, having lost 65 pounds after quitting the game. Think I need an intervention for this addiction?

10/8/21: Oops, and now I've joined another team.  Hooked again.
10/19:  First time I've had a horse place in the Grand Prix (2nd, WP, a Tennessee Walker)  since returning.
9/10/22: Have now gained back 25 pounds4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79.png Last week is the first time ever I placed in the top 10 of both the Western and the Classic Grande Prix.  2nd and 7th respectively.  I'm going for the top-level Distinctions trophy; "Have earned 50 honors in the weekly Grand Prix ranking in the last 12 months".  I usually only do Western skillers, but need some Classic placements to achieve this. Yep, seriously and expensively addicted again.

10/29/22: Finally won 6/6 of the Distinction trophy with 51 Grand Prix honors in the last 12 months.  Took 1st in the weekly Western Prix and 2nd in Classic. 

1/16/23: Howrse's update of the trophy system added a new distinction trophy, win 100 Grand Prix honors, which I'm crazily going for after completing the 50-honors-in-the- last-year trophy.

Anybody there to run an intervention for me?  I can't believe I came back and got re-addicted to this game after leaving for two years and have now regained 35 pounds.  It was supposed to just be something to do until the world got back to normal after Covid.