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Jessie (l).png?1828806360 Black Pinto!!!   F6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNu  (l).png?1828806360   my Paints!  Cowgirl Jessie (l).png?1828806360  her Jessie!    

HAY! I mean, "HEY!" I have some Medusa's Blood to trade on the Exchange. I can't trade three items, but if you can set it up, I'd like to trade for HERA'S PACK or accept my trade (with 2MB) and send pm for gift of a third (It's better if you can set up new trade for THREE MB because otherwise I will miss trading for something else if I need it.)  Thank you very much!   

WOW!  I SURE DO HAVE A LOT OF TINSEL!  (lol)_v1828806360.png  

HOLD YOUR HORSES!!! Is it just ME or are the SAME KIDS coming back everytime for treats???  Greedy Little Monsters!!!  (lol)_v1828806360.png  And don't ya think that a Candy Apple should be made with an APPLE??? Just saying. . .   

I am sorry, but it is a total ripoff to spend 5000 equus and get 20 mashes? Who came up with that? Lame, Ow.   

t.gifr.gifo.gifp.gifh.gify.gif   NOW APPEARING - my trophy for all the Paint coats.   

F6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNuF6R2Lpv_tn8RSYNM-7xu8qjx4ju4SxUaH26TICNu  and what's THAT?     thLicorne23.gif

I got my first two unicorns from kind friends. Thank you! I put wings on one so I now have "All the Species" trophy.    

Today's challenge was to "Give birth to a unicorn." (lol).png?1828806360  

My mare gave birth to TWO flaxen liver colts! Can't see why they say it's so hard!  

Another Challenge: "Remove HORN from Unicorn."  Are they nuts??? For FIVE aging points? 

Does it seem like a RIPOFF to spend 2000 on OW and only get aging points when it says you get a GOLDEN APPLE??? -- FINALLY I did get a GA. Thank you very much! 

Now I play until I get the Medusa's Blood and sell it for 40,000 equus. That's it. "Sigh-oh-Nara!"  


If you are a COWGIRL or your name is JESSIE, send me a friend request please.

Defrost 1 Frost a day! Frost

Congratulate up to 5 Topaz a day! Topaz1 Topaz2 Topaz3 Topaz4 Topaz*

Sure hope I can find that cute pony again...


Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com   congratss_by_2infinite_and_beyond-d5i1np       

   2infiniteAndBeyond  ahorselover4ever2  katz11   ruby1602 

Stroke up to 5 Xanthos a day! Xanthos1 Xanthos2 Xanthos3 Xanthos4 Xanthos5  

940992tgge2o1qoc.gif                         THE END      

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