I accept all friend requests and will help with events
Foal games without shower:
8m: Groom / drink / 2 hr. play / carrot /feed / 6 hr. play / stroke/ bed
10m: Groom / drink / 2 hrs. play / carrot / feed / 7 hours play / stroke/ bed
1 year: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed/ 8 hr. play / stroke/ bed
1 yr. 2 m: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed / 9 hr. play / stroke/ bed
1 yr. 4 m: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed / 10 hr. play / stroke/bed.
Your foal should earn about 10 points in each skill.
Foal games with shower:
8m: Groom / drink / 2 hr. play / carrot / feed / 7 hr. play / stroke/ bed
10m: Groom / drink / 2 hrs. play / carrot / feed / 8 hours play / stroke/ bed
1 year: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed / 9 hr. play / stroke/ bed
1 yr. 2 m: Groom / drink/ 2 hr. play / carrot / feed / 10 hr. play / stroke/ bed
1 yr. 4 m: Groom / feed / 8 hr. play / bed
Watch the energy that will be required and do as much time as possible and still leave at least 10% energy so the stroke will bring it back up to 20%. Also watch that your foal does does not stay up past 22:00.
Thoroughbred Blup
For reference, X = rookie max - (skill GP x 0.2)
Or right now about 250-300 if you don't want to do the math
Optional steps won't help with BLUP but may help get wins
Speed/Dressage/Gallop schedule
Board in mountain EC
Foal games (optional for BLUP)
Mountain rides until no gains
Train speed and dressage (no higher than X {see above} for rookie, fully if not)
Enter (rookie) gallop comps until no gains
Finish training speed, dressage, and gallop and do forest rides (switch to forest ec if you can)
If wins still needed, try trot or jump comps
Age to 10
Breeding Farms
Horned Beauties: unis and winged unis
Divines: Divines