Howdy Howrse,   8bfaf7be049bd4fa5e254020733fe354_v1828806360.png

I am just a casual player.  I do not have any sort of science behind my horses.  I do not try to breed anything in particular but I do have a few favorite breeds.  I do not sell my horses unless I put them in Sales. I mostly enjoy collecting Divines, Rare breeds, Helios Rays, Golden Apples, Silver Apples and a few other random items. 

I am currently working on my breed coats trophies. I am trying to get all the coats for all the breeds.  I am trying to get them all purebred, just to keep the challenge more exciting.

<< Update: I finally got all the coats for all of the breeds....tons of breeding and tons of luck to get all the right I just need to sell all the extra coats I have or use them as AP/Pass horses. >>

\\\ If you message me, it may take a few days to get back to you....sorry.50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1828806360.png

I do not have time every day to get on and play.....I may just log in for a few minutes to get credit.

I have several friends/family who also play....most are very similar to my style of play. 

Just here to have some fun and escape reality for a bit.


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