
About me Outside of Howrse

Hello, my name is prettycute. I am an adult player on Howrse, and have been playing for a few years now off and on. I change my activity on the game quite often when school rolls around but I always return :) I have been riding horses since I was 7 years old. My parents had no idea what they were getting into when I took my first riding lesson at a hunter-jumper barn. It just continued from there. I competed nationally in Hunter-Jumpers with my horse Marco Polo. He was a beautiful chestnut Oldenburg. Nowadays I have retired to the college life. I am working to become a Veterinary Technician and hope to someday return to the horse world. But for now I have Howrse to fill in the void :P

About me Inside of Howrse

On howrse I mainly am focusing on breeding Thoroughbreds, although I have a few miscellaneous horses on the side. I am trying to build up a functional and quality stud barn. Eventually I hope to have Rosette and Grand Prix winners and move onto working with an additional breed. I currently belong to no team because of my nature of being inactive for periods of time. I am very friendly so don't be afraid to talk to me. I also accept all friend requests and try to return all the congratulations I see. Happy Howrsing!
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