Hi everyone, My name is Kagome55. I am adult player. I am Jamaican American (Female).

This pfp is Inuyhasa and Kagome

My zodiac signs is Aquarius. I use to join this game when I was teen, that means I am not new in this game, because I was busy with school works to colleges stuff, so I am back. I thought I lost my games since past 6 years later that I am glad it still there. And I am enjoying this game that I love this game for my life. Oh, I like to ride Horses in real life. 

I have only one older twin sister named Aquarius /QueenNi. 
I have a boyfriend name is Victor101 that he is my best friend and boyfriend ever since I met him when I was young adult. 

My grammar is not very good at times, so please be patient with me when we are talking. I only mean good things. If anyone try blocks me, that means I didn't do anything wrong, this is misunderstands, I don't say anything bad or rude to anyone because I have autism it means I wasn't very good at my spellings so please be patient and don't either block me nor don't anything bad at me. I am very sorry and apologize about my sentences and Thank you and I will supported my friends and my family, Happy Howrse. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582022760.png

Don't worry I am used to be shy and I am friendly and nice to all of you. And I will congratulations to good people who I am interesting my hobbies only for animes and manga fans. 

Games: I love the show Fate Stays and others Fates movies that I do like to play the best game in the world is Fate Grand of Order Game. I lost my old account so I have to start over again. Good News: I got my Favorites Servants back and I wont lose my new account again.  I do play other phone games like Genshin Impact, Dokkan Battle, Dragon Ball Legends, Epic Seven, and all of Honkai games like Epic Seven and Nikke. I did play video games on my Nintendo, and Xbox like Minecraft, Anime Cross, and other games that I really like to play. 

My Hobbies chats: I am interesting in all of games, animes and all of mangas on TV, movies and Books like Percy Jackson, The Kane Chronicles, Avatar Last AirBender Books, and other Rick Riordans Books too.

-My Favorites anime is Love is War of all seasons, Fullmetal Alchemist of all episodes, One Piece, One Piece-Live Action Tv show, Blue Exorcist, Spy X Family, all of Fate animes, Black Butler in all seasons, Attack of the Titans, Jujutsu Kaisen, Sword Art Online in all seasons, Sliverspoon, Inuyhasa, Mieruko-chan, Soul Eater, Soul Eater NOT!, GNG, GDW, Fruit Basket, new version of Fruit Basket, Demon Slayer, Fire Force, Romance Killer, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Heroes, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Dandadan, Dragon Ball Daima and more of other animes that I really like that is funny for me and very popular to watch in Japaneses, and English in Subbed, and Dubbed too. I used to watch on the YouTube, TV, and Crunchy-roll and on Adult Swim too.  

-I really love animes movies like Studio Giblets: Like Ponyo, Spirit Away, Princess Mononoke, Wind Rise, Cat Return, Castle in Sky, How Moving Castle, Boy Heron, and other movies too. And other animes movies that just came out with animes shows like Inuyhasa Movies and others too. 

- Inuyhasa was great anime show in my childhood when I was teens. 

I love to watch all seasons and movie of Steven Universe. It was my favorite tv show in Cartoon Network since in teens to my adulthoods. 

- I love to watch the tv show in Netflix are called Dragon Prince, this show is like Avatar the Last Airbender in more different types elements and other new peoples in that show.  Dragon Prince is now add on Season 5 and I hope you guys enjoy that show. 

- I am fan of Doctor Who from early 20000s to future that I like their episodes, and their 2 hours specials for holidays. 

- I am a huge fan of all types of Marvel, and DC movies from comics too.

- I like all Disney types of movies to 1940-Futures.

-I did watch all Fast and Furious that I love that movies too. 

- I am in love with mythology, Legends and religious movies are like Egypt, Greece, Africans, and others as long it has true names and true myths. Monsterverses movies like Godzillas and other creatures in 1940s to futures Films, and other monsters movies that are coming to next futures really soon and I am so excited for next movies and tv shows for next futures. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.png

Now let me tell you about Animes.

Anime Time!!

Image result for sword art online characters
  All of anime shows is on Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Netflix now.59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9.png

Image result for ciel phantomhiveImage result for ciel phantomhive
Ciel Phantomhive are my favorite character in Black Butler. 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

I love Black Butler this show is the best teen show ever!%287%29.pngblack_butler_ciel_phantomhive_stamp_eyesciel_phantomhive_tea_time_stamp_by_xiahikuroshitsuji__boc___ciel_phantomhive___sefd5676161fead88e81504c647fff69e-d3059iw

Image result for sword art online season movie
All of you watch this movie and see how you like it or not. and there is a new show of Sword Art Online that is same thing as on the manga and it is now on the CrunchyRoll 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9.png59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9.png


Inuyhasa and Kagome sit on the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-Ge7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.pnga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

Spoilers!: I was right!! Kagome and Inyuahsa was married and had one half demon child just like her father (Inyuasha) and her mom (Kagome) that she can use her power spell from Kikyo. so they have new squeal of Iunyhasa is called Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon is now on Chruchyroll and on Hulu for all languages and even English too.e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png

Image result for soul eater characters
Soul Eater is the Best Anime Ever!!!!

I am really fan of Demon Slayer of all seasons and movies that are coming up. This show is best anime in 2022 and 2023. (Demon Slayer Season 3 is now update on Netfix and I hope you enjoy it) If anyone who was fan of animes, you can respond to me on chat first and then I will friends request you guys.
 Demon Slayer new season 4 is already uploading on this year at tonights !! a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582022760.png

News List!:
- I got my first best Divided horses is Yggdrasil59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9.png

- STAN LEE-1922-2018 RIP 

We all miss him that he is our hero of making Marvels comics Universe that he also appeared in every Tv shows and movies too, Rest In Peace!!25376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93.png

-I got my first Wilderness Horse 2/8/19a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.pnga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

1. Get More 1,500 Passes
2. 9 millions Eqqus
3. 1,100 horses
4. Collecting Wanderer's items
5. Collecting Higher Gp Horses for immortal. 
6. I will find missing Black Market items since years that I left on Howrse.
7. Starting to collecting Sliver Apple. 

Note: Please be respect on my farm Powerful Super horse, that I am going to keep my immoral horses for myself. Please don't asking me that I am going to sale this horses the but, answer is No.  Please be respect for Howrse 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab.png

Warning: There is the Carovrius 19 spreading on this years and So Everyone in Howrse need to be very safe, wear mask, wash your hands, be careful to make sure you all of you are clean and Good Luck!!! Love you all.8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

Good New: 
-I got my First Divided Donkey name Jenny and Zebra for now !! 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.pngThat I got 2 of Zonkey for the first time in 2023 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png

- May 5: I got my Winds starry aura item that is now belong to mare horse that name her Awon Irawo . 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png

-May 27: I got my new Divine horse named Morrigan8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582022760.png on first time on game card!!  

-May 29: I got my first Iris coat foal and her name is Filly 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582024785.png

-Congratulations to my Apply Filly who is now finished 181ˢᵗ Grand Prix race!!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.pnga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.pnga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.pnga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.png8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582024785.png I am so close to get to 100st places 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1582024785.png

-July 14: Congratulation to Queen April Fool who is now in finished in 155 st in Grand Prix race of Gallop Race! 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582024785.png

-July 14: Kagome55 (that is me) I am now in 106 st place in Volgograd Grand Prix Week from July 10 to July 16. ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c_v1582024785.png59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582024785.png

-July 16: Rose Bot becoming first Metal element this year and she will becoming higher GP in my horse breeds! 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582024785.png

-July 20th: Josie Roise got 8 of Rosettes in this month of July for the first time for my Selle F.  (But she was sold away that she will keep for her new players) 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1582024785.png

- August 3rd: Congraulation to Rose Bot who for first Rosstte time for my own Selle Francias mare59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582024785.png ( I haven't got won that a lot of Rossttes for while since 2015)

-Auguest 19: Congrautation to my mare April who is on 169th places in 2 min 44”4759f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582022760.png59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582022760.png

-January 31st: Cool!! I got another Divine Horse name Hippocampus for win one time in Tyche Crown. 

April 19: My mare name Nea got my first Sliver Apple and Congratulation to my first time to get my own Sliver Apple Coat finally!!! 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582024785.png

June 10: My first filly name Galaxy is Higher Gp of one of Selle Français. 

July 23- My WonderDaisy got 80th place on Grand Prix, so cool! a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.png

September 9th- My Nyx got 300 competitions every 1st place on trotting race. 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582024785.png

September 12- My Galaxy got 200 competition in 1st place on trotting race! 

December 16- Solar got 6 Rosettes for first time with higher GP to my horses of Selle Francis. 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582024785.png


1. If anymore try to be dislike to me, or haters to me, I will block you.  So please be very nice to me and have fun on this game. 

2. If anyone who is under 18, Ask your parents for permission to talk to any adults and I hope you enjoy on Howrse as friends, but don't friend request me if anyone who is under 18.  And don't talking back to adults.  I don't like to see no infos on Presentations that I don't know if you are child or adult. And I am not try to be mean, Just try to be safe on this game. 

3. Please be very patient to any other people on Howrse that if anyone ask me about sale horses in chat, Don't tell me sell the horses for free, Just feel free to message me. 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1582024785.png

4. Don't cheating on that game because It is very wrong so don't broke the rules of this game. 

5. If I see something racist or very rude things, I will block anyone and don't following me too. Because I don't like it...Please No haters allowed and No bullying. Just Peace and Love. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582022760.png

6. No more multiply accounts or fakers on this game, Just be careful Because it might cause more problems on this game. 

 Customization Collections

-Hi everyone, I am here to collect Golden Apple and Sliver Apple that is very rare that I didn't see on the collection since 2015 on my time since new coats or new Wanders horses. I am interesting to do breeding of collections of any types of horses for all of coats and Divine horses that I haven't got it in years of this game.  I might collect other types of horses and I will sale away if I don't need it anymore. Just text me if I kind sell horses mistakes, then we can work together to see what is going on but please don't blame me or dislike me, I will like to apologize to everyone in Howrse. 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1582024785.png

Happy Howrse for 2024!!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582024785.png

Happy Black Historya4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582022760.png

RIP to the Best Creators and Legends of Dragon Ball fans, and all of mangas, play animes, and games of all time, Goodbye...Bye..Akira Toriyama...202425376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93_v1582022760.png4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79_v1582022760.png

RIP to Jame Earl Jones....He is best African American actor he play roles of Dark Vader from Star Wars...Mufasa from Lion kings movies and tv shows that he appears a lots of roles as main characters and other characters that he did. He will rest in peace...4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79_v1582022760.png25376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93_v1582022760.png

-Mufasa 2024 movie will be start at Christmas 2024, I hope you saw new trailers and explain how you like it. 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec_v1582022760.png

- DRAGON BALL DAIMA is is now on Chruchyroll and going be on Netflix very soon. 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582022760.png

- RIP to legendary singers name Quincy Jones, best friends to lots of singers in past to futures, and made best songs. 25376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93_v1582024785.png

 -Oh If you guys know the famousYouTuber name CoryxKenshin, Subscribe him Now!! He is back!!!! 59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9_v1582022760.png