Hey there, I'm ParasiteEve. It's nice of you to stop by my page! Feel free to give my horses an apple, I'm sure they'd appreciate it, I know I would. :) There are a few things you need to know:
- None of my horses are for sale, so don't make any offers.
- I'm willing to spend passes on a horse that I think is worthy of passes. I will not negotiate on a horse that I feel is more than it really is worth. Meaning, if you have a horse for 20 passes PLUS 100,000 Equus, I will not buy your horse if it doesn't amount to that price.
- I do not take too kindly to harassment, if you're going to do this, I'd suggest you keep walking. Find some other breeder to harass.
- I like making friends, don't be afraid to add me! :)
- Congratulate me, I congratulate you! Easy, right?
If you want to know more, just message me, I'll reply as soon as able! I do have a job, so I get on when I have the down time.