Wow, I haven't been on this game in years, surprised I was actually able to login. It's crazy how I went from playing this everyday in middle school to totally forgetting about it till now. I really miss those days. Maybe I'll check in once in a while. This game was great to pass time. <3

Mystique Moon My first horse to BLUP a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1828806360.png

~About my Game~
I'm currently focusing on breeding PB Paint Horses and PB Thoroughbreds. I also occasionally breed Gypsies, Akhal Tekes, and a few other breeds I've managed to snag from the market.Trying to breed at least 2-3 Friesian Unicorns, but unfortunately, luck has not been on my side yet.

pomme-or_v1828806360.pngCurrent GA Coatspomme-or_v1828806360.png


pomme-or-hidden_v1828806360.pngCurrent RC pomme-or-hidden_v1828806360.png



Oliver Sykes <3


"And then I found out how hard it is to really change
Even hell can get comfy once you've settled in
I just wanted the numb inside me to leave
No matter how f*cked you get
The sun will return and you come back down!
The funny thing is all I ever wanted I already had
There's glimpses of heaven in every day
In the friends that I have, the music I made
The love that I feel, I just had to start again." 
