Well, I have no reason to keep or spend equus or sell horses anymore. When you could get  a pass for a portion of your reserve, I would save and come the month, I would buy a nice horse from the sales, and then get my free pass for cheaper. Since that is no longer a possibility, I have nothing 'forcing' me into spending my equus and so, they shall sit and gather dust. And after working on my horses and all yesterday, I only got 10 points to a pass? I know that equals out to a month, but why not just keep it as it was. And then I have to successfully complete a game. I'd rather give up equus. I guess no more passes for me either which means no more immortal horses which means no more breeding or anything. So I guess there's not much for me here anymore.

I will no longer be breeding horses on the game since this ridiculous vet fee has been added to the covering of your horse. I thought I was paying 500e. Suddenly, it's 1400e. Guess I will be breeding even less than before.

I love it when people accuse me of  "Stomping" their horse. (And you shouldn't block me if you have the audacity to accuse me of stomping your horse if I only beat it in one competition)

That implies I purposefully looked for their horse in competitions to make sure they can't get a win. I'm sorry. I may age some horses a lot...but I never purposefully look to beat a horse. I enter comps with the lowest energy costs-and if many are that? I pick one, usually ones closest to running to help it run or to get that lottery ticket. It's never anything personal.

But every time someone  accuses me of that, it tempts me to start stomping their horses except I don't have the energy or time to pretty much stalk them so I know all their horses and to enter every single comp they're in. Not worth it.

Also, I regret ever opening that HoP that gave me the Spanish Mustang. Then spending all those equus gotten by selling horses to TAME it. It's a waste of time and money. And since then? I've had no chance at any of the divines. So I'll never have a good one. I'll just have my horrible one that I had to spend so much on to barely be better THAN A DONKEY!

On the Spanish Mustang extra/details tab: If you're one of the quickest to tame a wild horse breed, the horse will have a high genetic potential and the chance to be numbered.

I was one of the quickest and got a Spanish Mustang with a GP of 320 and some change. High Genetic potential right there, right above Donkeys at the time and below foundies at the time. All the other wilds, well, at the time they came out...they did get a higher genetic potential that made it all worthwhile, but those who got the Spanish Mustang? We got thrown to the curb. Howrse should've fixed that, but they didn't care and never will.
