If you can't tell which stuff I wrote, assume I wrote it all. These are not silly icons that everyone has used so much that no one knows who originally made them. These are graphics made by me, with words written by me, they belong to me and if you take them you're stealing. PLEASE DON'T. Thank you very much.
(I am not currently accepting new friend requests. It's nothing personal.)
I'm a friendly person and I like to chat with people I've gotten to know, but anyone who thinks that sending me a message just to say hi is a good way to get to know me... sorry, but I do actually play this game, and I am not chatty for chat's sake. Even if you're on my friends list, unless we're actually friends, if you've got nothing to say but "Hi, how are you," I'm probably going to ignore your message. It's not personal. I just don't have anything to say back to you, and I'm probably busy, too. I will always take time to answer your questions about the game, but I really don't want to chat just to chat. I also don't really find pleasure in messages that ask me how I got so many horses (i bought some, bred others, won a few), how I got so much money (I worked HARD and tried not to buy things I didn't need), or whether I have a certain BMI (I might or might not, but either way, why would I give it to you? If I want to exchange it, I'll list it in the exchange or accept one I see there.)
Regarding promotions: I have over 800 players on my friends list. I don't need to make more friends just to get things from them, and I don't need more friends who just want to get stuff from me. Sorry. That's just not a good reason for me to make friends. In addition, I do not want access to your account (with exceptions, and you know who you are!) and I most certainly am not giving you access to mine (with exceptions, and you know who you are!) Lately players on my friends list are randomly giving me comanagement. Stop, please! I am not going to take care of your horses!
I am not seeking new members for most of my teams, and quite frankly, I am receiving requests, sometimes outright begging, to join my teams, from players who don't have horses who even nearly qualify, and from players who don't know what "BLUP" means. Please do not bother me with such requests, much less beg to be admitted. Please read the team page for each team to see what information I need when you apply, and what you need in order to qualify. Don't apply by asking me to look at all your horses and see if any of them qualify. That's not my job; that's YOUR job.
By the way, I do not wish to join any new teams (unless I've sought you out and asked you -- and I'd have to dump a team to do that as I am already in 10). But if I were amenable to joining a new team, I certainly would not want to be your lone VIP hired for the sole purpose of making you a team, sticking around so the team would not fall apart, and letting you run the show. Why would I want to do that? Think about it! I am not into being a filler or figurehead. Either I participate or I'm out, and if I'm the leader, then I lead. Thanks, anyway.
NOTE: I used to have a special in which any horse in my Hospice or Plank farms could be had for 500e and one pass, even if it had a nice pet. Howrse has changed its handling of horses over 25 (we no longer get a pass for those but we get a special horse, or skills for that horse) and the pass economy has changed drastically anyway. I am working on making a new special but right now there is none. Bear with me, please! Meanwhile please note that when I do list my horses, and if and when I do make a new special, my prices are NOT NEGOTIABLE. NOTE: If you ask me to sell you a horse and I stick it in reserve for you, I don't then want to hear "Oh, I can't buy it right now but I can in (insert length of time here)." That's not cool. If you can't buy it right now, don't ask for it until you CAN buy it. Thank you. REMINDER: I DO NOT TRADE OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM. When I say passes, I mean passes.
NEW SPECIAL! I have horses with discontinued landscapes in their own farm of that name. Most of them will cost 500e and one pass. (There may be one or two that cost a little more if they're loaded with BMIs or some such thing.) Be sure to PM me with the URL of the horse, since they all have exactly the same name! If you tell me you want to buy "Discontinued BG" I will have no idea which horse you mean!
I have been receiving messages offering me E instead of passes for horses for which I am asking for passes. That doesn't work for me. The answer will always be "no." I am also receiving messages asking about horses that are not for sale -- not listed and not in one of the circumstances above. That doesn't work for me either. In addition I often receive queries about horses in the farms above but without the URL, so that I have to go looking through all my horses just to see which one it might be. That REALLY doesn't work for me.
Despite what I say below, these days I do not accept as many friend requests as I once did. When I do, I am too often spammed with lots of personal questions that I don't have time or inclination to answer. So if I ignore or reject your friend request it could be for one of the reasons listed below, or for a different reason, or because I just don't feel like taking on a new friend. If you send me a rude note complaining that I am an evil so-n-so for rejecting your request, you will be reported and blocked, and pestering my friends to get me to unblock you won't do you any good and may get you further reported. I AM NOT ACCEPTING UNSOLICITED FRIEND REQUESTS AT THIS TIME.

NOTE: "most frequent reasons" doesn't mean "if you haven't done anything on this list I promise to accept your friend request." I have the right to reject any friend request without explaining why. (You have the same right.) However, I will add another two reasons here: If you habitually quote people in forums without adding anything new, or post just to say the same thing someone else has said, or "she's right," or "yep," or bump old topics without adding new information, or ask the same thing over and over, even if it's about different horses, I may well decide that I don't want to accept your friend request. I also don't look kindly (nor, as I understand it, does Howrse) upon kitten/mare/other torture stories on your page, or other violent material. (If you want to poke Justin Bieber or anyone else with a fork, go ahead, but if you want to kill him, or anyone else, even in a joke, that's too much.)
I am getting REALLY tired of people demanding to know why I rejected their friend requests. You know what? I don't have to tell you. I really don't. I have NO obligation to accept anyone's friend request and I don't have to say why. From now on, I will not only ignore such messages, I will automatically just block anyone who demands to know why I turned them down. End of story.
If I have blocked you and you have a friend (or worse, a second account) contact me asking why, or begging for me to unblock you, the friend (or second account) will be blocked too. (The second account will be reported.) I don't care how polite the contact is; if I blocked you, that means I don't WANT contact. Please get over it and move on. If you post in forums for me to message you, that absolutely guarantees I will never unblock you (and you'll be reported, too). Also, please think about this: If I have blocked you, it's because I don't want contact from you. If you continually send me a friend request, perh aps to remind me to unblock you, do you really think that will make me likely to unblock you? Nope. Never gonna happen. Keep bugging me and you are guaranteed a permanent block... not that I actually unblock people. I know some of you kids get mad at each other and block for a while until you get over your mad. That's not me. I don't do that. If I am mad at someone, I say so. If I block you it's because I never want to hear from you. But you want to be my best bud? Sorry. It's NOT going to happen. MOVE ON.

My EC is now PRIVATE. Please do not ask for a box. I will revise the above when I have time but this is current: private, sorry!
NOTE ABOUT SALES: If you are looking for a cheap horse, look somewhere else. I am not selling horses just to get rid of them. I'm selling them to finance my acquisition of better horses with which to compete, or rarer or prettier coats. You will not find 500e horses among my sales. Sorry. You will get value for money, often very great value for money, as my prices are quite reasonable, but I'm not giving my horses away.
Sometimes people reserve horses for me, either without asking (and I do not take kindly to unsolicited offers of horses for me to buy; if I want a horse for full price, I go to sales; I don't sit around and wait for someone to contact me) or asking and then not waiting for an answer. Well, here is the answer: if it's not 500e, the answer is NO, please don't. Wait, you say... you don't sell your horses for 500e but you expect me to sell them to you for that? Nope. I don't expect it. I don't expect you to reserve horses for me at all unless we're negotiating a deal. But if you want to give me a gift, that's fine. If you want to sell your mixed-breed 360gp horse for a million e and/or passes, and you've decided, well, genessa's rich, let's see if she's stupid enough to accept this bad deal, then expect to be refused and blocked.

Click on a tab that has farms in it. Choose a farm. Scroll to the bottom of the farm and click "Edit Breeding Farm." Choose a different color for the farm. The farm will be moved into the tab of that color. As you can see, there are four colorful tabs from which to choose (the blue one at the end doesn't count -- it's your farm for farmless horses; you can still move horses into it but it's not a group so you can't move farms into it, since it already IS a farm). You have tan, mauve, pink and green. How do I use it? In the tan one, I have the breeds I visit most often. In the mauve I put those I visit fairly often. In the pink one, I put my mixed breeds and in the green I put my specials, my pass horses, etc. You can organize any way you want, just by changing the color of a farm to move it into the corresponding tab. You can also rename the four tabs. Just click on the titles (for example 9 breeding farms) and they will become customizable. Then click OK. Don't forget to click OK -- just hitting ENTER on the keyboard won't do it this time.
NOTE: If you are playing foal games with a pony, chances are the food requirement needs to be lowered slightly. If you are told, at one stage, that your pony is too fat, feed half the stated requirement instead of following what the schedule says about feeding for that age. Because my schedule gives you extra time for most ages, you should be able to compensate if it turns out not to be enough. I never actually have to do this but some have reported that they do. In addition, if this schedule is not working for your donkey (or any horse, for whatever reason) then take a half hour off of the last play session in the first three ages, and if the donkey is too fat in the last session, simply do not feed it.
As of April 28, 2014, there are no more objectives. I am keeping the following list on this page so you can see what they were, but they exist no more after that date.
NOTE for the following: there are no longer jobs. Ignore #6.
from top to bottom, Kuma, Sam and Minky
me and Rossini
Samuel Beckett Feldman-Cohen
(our Zeisser)
March 9, 2000 - May 13, 2016
Rest in Peace
June 15, 2003 - February 6, 2019
Rest in Peace
Golde in disguise
Woody with his puppy, Ramona
Layla and her papa, Tevye
Woody and a toy
July 23, 2004 - October 17, 2015
Rest in Peace
Wendy and a zucchini (actually about the same size as she) from my garden
July 23, 2004 - September 19, 2012
Rest in Peace
left to right, Penny and Layla
Penny April 9, 2002 - June 30, 2019
Rest in Peace
April 8, 2000 - February 5, 2015
Rest in Peace
left to right, Minky and Sammy
looking pale in the sunlight, Robin on the left, Sam being a pillow.
Tevye and friend
July 23, 2004 - January 13, 2016)
Rest in Peace
Rossini and Wendy, snuggling
Sarah (yes, she knows she is not a cat)
December 13, 2003 - June 11, 2016
Rest in Peace

since 4/30/13