I enjoy trying to raise my herd GP which means I am extremely competitive.. I obviously have my work cut out for me as there is some great competition on this server!
I do believe in I Am, and I don't steal, lie, or cheat. I am also an adult player so please check with your parents before chatting with me.

I am a mother of four so I am managing a real herd plus my howrse one

If you are supposed to be a promo pal, but do not reciprocate my generosity in promos, you will be deleted. I will also delete folks who do not log on regularly. Just fyi.
My herd welcomed
Ptah (09/16) - gives the most gifts so far
Apophis (11/16)
Morrigan (11/16) - my fav divine in my herd
Scorpio (01/17)
Happy Horsing ya'll!