Hello Everyone! My name is Wolfperson101! Im between the ages of 6-17. I am the proud owner of 4 horses, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 goats & 1 guinea pig! I love all my animals so much! When I'm not on Howrse, I'm normally Reading, Writing, Drawing, Taking Care of my animals or Playing Video games! I'm pretty active on Discord & I play games like Star Stable Online, Sims 4, Horse Eden Eventing, Wolf play, Red Dead Redemption 2 & much more! By my name, You could tell that I like both Horses and Wolves but I also love Cats, Foxes & Other Animals!
In the "Never Selling" tab is horses I will never sell so Please don't ask for them! If you like any of my horses then Message me the horse's name and An Offer. The offer depends on the horse, I will consider it if the price is reasonable. I breed High GP Thoroughbreds & Fjords. They have the name "Winning Crown" & "Harness Pals". I have a separate tabs for them. I also will not sell my team horses so Don't ask for them either. If you want a Thoroughbred or Fjord foal just Message me how much you are willing to pay. I think that is everything!