Hi I'm Jenn!

I rejoined Howrse after a few years away. I am a lifelong equestrian and a veterinarian. I play Howrse for the relaxation/escape. If you send me a message, I'll do my best to respond in a timely manner!

Any non-breeders are placed in the For Sale tab, however I only sell foals in blocks of similar GPs, and won't post more until the previous foals are all sold. You're always welcome to inquire, but typically that is the standard practice.

I usually sell my horses for passes, but should you want to buy them for equus, I usually equate 150,000e for 100p. I am happy to offer price package deals if you buy 3+ horses!

Always looking to purchase or trade for the following BMIs:
Morpheus Arms
Chronos Timer
Achilles' Heel
Aphrodite's Tears

Every 500th congratulations will receive a BM gift! I try to keep a look out, but message me if I don't reach out first.

Thanks for stopping by my pageĀ 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582024785.png