Hey everyone, it's Sab! I've been a Howrse devotee since '07, back when I joined the International server as Caffeine. If you're on International, give me a shout!
Now, a little about yours truly. I'm officially a grown-up (yes, with responsibilities and everything!). Proof? I have a 15-year-old and a 6-year-old running around. My fur family is just as chaotic: two dogs (Jack and Jynx) and two cats (Garfield and Gizmo). Jack, my 12-year-old Heinz 57 (aka the world's best mutt), is pure sunshine. Jynx, my 3-month-old Pitbull/Blue Heeler mix, is basically a Holstein cow in dog form. Then there's Garfield, aptly named since he's a lasagna fiend (and thief!). This two-year-old rescue (found in a doctor's office parking lot with his brothers) lives up to his namesake. Last but not least, Gizmo, another rescue (also about three months old), loves to park herself on my keyboard and sabotage my productivity. And just between us, she totally turns into a Gremlin if she gets wet or eats after midnight… (Okay, maybe not.)
My Howrse philosophy? Two things: 1) I'm all about fun, not cutthroat competition. No need to be the best, just here to chill and enjoy my horses. 2) During events, I'm happy to lend a hand! If I'm participating and you need help, send those requests my way – I'll click 'em if I see 'em.
That's pretty much me in a nutshell. Happy Howrsing, and thanks for reading!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a feeling my digital horses are plotting a rebellion.
Special Horses: