Call me Chaos.

I'm a 27 year old woman from the USA.

On July 12th, I'll have been married for eight years to my best friend.

I have two cats. Meza is a black and white long-haired female. Benji is a medium-haired tabby male with white tummy and paws. They are the only babies I intend on having for the time being. I am a proud fur momma to both of them!

I like D&D, video games like Skyrim and ARK: Survival Evolved, anime, reading, roleplaying and writing fiction novels.

Although I am currently unpublished, I plan on making a career with my writing one day.

justalemon is my sister.
Jedi is my husband.
We may help each other out sometimes.
I don't accept random friends requests.
Even if you buy 100 horses from me, I'm not going to accept a friend request from you unless we have spoken well enough for me to consider you a friend.

If a horse is not listed for sale, it is not for sale.

If a horse is not listed as negotiable, do not send me a message asking for a difference price.

If a horse is listed as negotiable, don't message me with low-ball offers unless you want to be blocked. I will take passes instead of equus or vice versa.

I am currently not buying or selling anything. Check back later once I have become a bit more established in the game and actually have equus haha.
I am not looking to join any teams at this point in time.

I am focusing on three breeds: Shagya Arabians, Friesians, and Gypsy Vanners. I am currently blupping my foundie pairs, from which I intend on creating a pure, unbroken line.

Eventually, I would like to begin breeding drafts as well.

Current Goals
500 AP horses (6/100)
500 Pass horses (0/100)

+More will be added as I think of them+