I took a fairly long break from the game due to school and other stuff and just being busy in general. I now have decided to come back and start to get going again! 

About My Game

I am a GA, RA and all coated horse collector. I rarely sell my collection stock by will every so often sell some. I also breed Unicorns ( Of The Horned RSR ) , Running Horses such as: appys, quarters, and thoroughbred ( ~RSR~ ). 
Game Business

I'm not sure as to what breeds I will focus on and everything due to just now getting back into the swing of things. I will continue my line of unicorns for sure. They will not be in "high production" and they also will not be very high GP and or Skillers but will be the average unicorn. If you are someone in search of rare breed unicorns... I will see what I have for you. :) I should have 1-5 Unicorn foals a week but, otherwise that is it. 
As for my other breeding projects I am focusing on Appys, Quarters, and Thoroughbreds. I'm focusing on breeding for excellence in barrel racing and speed events. They will have high GP and Skills.