Active and starting over after years, used to be mttroll.
I'm nineteen, living in New England. I'm a dog mom to a Mini Aussie named Rory, a cat mom to a tuxedo monster, Minerva, and a dragon mom to Neville. I'm currently in college for early childhood education. Feel free to PM me or something, I'm always down to chat
Movies: The Princess Bride, The Labyrinth, Star Wars
Music: Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Green Day.
Books: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Ready Player One, LOTR.
TV: Doctor Who, Grey's Anatomy, The 100 Star Trek, Brooklyn 99, You're the Worst, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Office, Criminal Minds.
My Game:
I'm focusing on high GP Arabians and Thoroughbreds and will be selling foals!