....WELCOME TO TARGARYEN'S PAGE....I am Targaryen and I started on International Howrse, I formerly played as Claudine Jo. My interest on the game is excelling in the breeding of unicorns. I am currently working on Curlys, Friesians, Appaloosas, Selle Francais, Shires, and Shagya Arabians, some with my mother-in-law NinjaraPhael and my daughter Ms. Graves along with many friends I've made along the way on Howrse. I only breed fully-blupped Unicorns as a measure of respect to the integrity of the breed. I am here to have fun, so feel free to add as a friend if you'd like! :) I am always willing to help you blup by providing fillers if I can. Enjoy Howrsing! GAME TIPS Blupping 101; Foal Games~Make sure EC has carrots Groom , Play 2 hours, Drink, Feed what's necessary, Play as long as possible, Stroke, Carrot, Bed.