hey y'all! I've played this game for many many years, but I took a break for 2 and deleted my old account, horsesrule181. if you know me from there, let me know! I was an avid unicorn breeder, although a LOT has changed haha!


Register in Forest EC
Foal games (60 points)
Forest rides until complete(completed at age 2.4-2.6)
Mountain rides until age 3
20 Trot comps with fillers for the 20 wins(completed at age 3.4)
Gallop comps until no more skills can be gained
Finish Mountain rides
Train/Bold Top 3 skills(Gallop, Speed, Dressage)(completed at age 7-7.6)
Age to 10 for 100% BLUP


Board in Forest EC
Foal games
Forest rides until no gains
Train speed and dressage (no higher than X {see description} for rookie, fully if not)
Enter (rookie) trot comps until no gains
Finish training speed, dressage, and trot and do mountain rides (switch to mountain ec if you can)
If wins still needed, try gallop or jump comps
Age to 10


Board in forest EC
Foal games (optinoal for BLUP)
Forest rides until no gains
Train dressage and jump (no higher than X {see description} for rookie, fully if not)
Enter (rookie) cross country comps until no gains
Finish training stamina, dressage, and jump and do mountain rides (switch to mountain ec if you can)
If wins still needed, try gallop or trot comps (may need some speed training)
Age to 10