Hi there! My name is 23omoell04. When I started on howrse I was just doing it for fun. Now that I am starting on my third year of the game, I am now playing more seriously! 

My "guidelines" :)
1. If I am engaging in a private sale with you, please keep in contact with me! After one week, if you have not purchased the horse I put up for you or contacted me about it, I will cancel the sale. If there is a reason it takes so long, let me know ahead of time and I will keep the sale up.
2. Please don't message me asking to buy one of my horses. If it up for sale then feel free, but if not, I don't want purchase offers.
3. I rarely give out gifts of any kind. Do not ask me to give you a BMI or horse for free. Ever.

#1: You're a person
#2: You're reading this
#3: You can't say p without separating your lips
#4: You just tried it
#6: Now your laughing 
#7: You skipped 5 
#8: You just checked 
#9: Now you're laughing again

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