-As you can guess my name is indeed Hailey. I am also an adult player, so please get permission before messaging me if underage.
- I also play on the INT server under vlc1033
-I have been an animal enthusiast my whole life. Both my profile picture and layout picture are of one of my rabbits. His name is Vincent (Vincent Van Giant).
-There are times that I won't be online due to me having Epilepsy.
-As far as my game goes I only deal with purebred horses. I am currently working on getting the coat trophies for the different breeds.
- I but unwanted purebred horses for 500-600e depending on coats and skills.
- I am looking to join an active and upcoming team. If recruiting feel free to message me! I don't bite, lol.
-If you see any horses of mine that you are interested in feel free to pm me. Reasonable offers will at the very least be considered.
-Happy Howrsing!