I'm Alyssa (she/her/hers)! I'm 20 and currently a sophomore in college, so be aware that I'm an adult player.

I had a Howrse account a few years back under the username True Love that was deactivated due to disuse. My roommate got me back into it, so here I am again. I have a combination of extensive but outdated info about the game and a penchant towards overinvesting myself that hopefully will lend itself towards success.

Last time, I was real deep into Gypsy Vanners. At first, I focused on Thoroughbreds, but now I'm working on expanding across the breeds and improving my Grand Prix standings.

Hit me up! I'll accept any friend request unless someone gives me a reason not to.

If you'd like to buy one of my horses, just message me with an offer, although I reserve the right to refuse for any reason. Unless a horse has a BMI or I need it for its coat, I'll probably be willing to sell it -- especially thoroughbreds. I prefer to sell horses for equus, but if you have a good pass offer I'll hear you out. 

I'm a competitive swimmer of seven years plus a lifeguard and a coach. I love swimming and follow swimming news very closely and will talk your ear off about it if given the chance. I've gotten the opportunity to meet a few Olympians (Allison Schmitt, Jason Lezak, and Gary Hall Jr.) plus I've been able to see a few more race. If you also like swimming or would like to learn more, please message me.

Broke 1000th in the general ranking on 02/01/19 at 61 days of seniority!
Broke 500th in the general ranking on 03/07/19 at 95 days of seniority!