Adult player, but looking for friends.  Would also consider a partner who would like to work on shetland unicorns.  

I am a member of the awesome team ⊰•⊱ ιɴғᴇʀɴαʟ ғᴊᴏʀᴅѕ ⊰•⊱.  

I am also starting to breed Connemaras and Shetland Unicorns (the latter because in my heart unicorns should be tiny, hairy, and magical and maybe a little evil... just like a Shetland a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png)

I also have some Gypsy Vanners happening.  Mostly because one of the "things" to get a thing (probably free passes) had you dehorn a unicorn.  I wasn't going to chop one of my Shetlands, so I ended up with a Vanner.  


I have owned a fjords IRL.  Also have a bunch of dogs, 2 cats, a falcon, a Harris' Hawk and an owl (I'm a falconer).  Looking to connect with folks who have similar interests.  1288786_orig.jpg