Hi everyone! 

My team is recruiting!! Also, see below for ways to earn in game items everyday!


Ways to earn in game items every day!

1. Stroke 5 Xanthos's in a day for a chance to win 1000e AND a horn of plenty per Xanthos! (Happens more often than you'd expect!)
Xanthos / Xanthos /  Xanthos /  Xanthos /  Xanthos /  Xanthos / Xanthos

2. Congratulate 5 Topaz's in a day for a chance to win 50e or 10 passes per Topaz!
Topaz / Topaz / Topaz / Topaz / Topaz / Topaz / Topaz / Topaz / Topaz / Topaz

3. Defrost a Frost for a chance to win a Hypnos' Blanket!
Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost / Frost

4. Enter the Grand Prix everyday, Monday-Friday, and if you place in the top 100 in the weekly ratings you will have access to the Fountain! The Fountain will appear when you give your horse a drink. Instead of 3% Morale and 6% Energy, you will get 12% Morale and 24% Energy if your horse's box has a shower and trough. The fountain is really helpful if you're BLUPing a horse!

About me:
I am in veterinary school, and I'd like to work for the CDC or another government department doing disease research. I just signed a contract with the USDA for employment after I graduate, so I am one step closer! I was also accepted into a Master of Public Health program, so this past month (March/April) has been pretty exciting!

I have a dog who is about 4 years old (her birthday is around March, 2017). My only horse experience is riding for one year, but then it became too expensive. My end goal is to move to Oregon and own a couple horses and some dogs!