The names butterbiscuit116 ! You'll see some decent horses here at my farm, Thistle Creek Farm! I'm just another gal here learning the ropes!!.. well I think that's how it's said
Oh Well!

How about some info about me and my game?!
I've rode for 6 years! Started in 4th grade! I've always had the passion for horses though! I've rode TWH's, QH's, Missouri Fox Trotters,and a TWHxQH!
"butter biscuit" is a nickname one of my old friends gave me and it just stuck! I got "Thistle Creek Farms" from the TV Series 'Gold Rush'! Tony Beets mines in Thistle Creek with his dredge! My Dad and I watch the show together

I'm also into Fords (obviously with my profile picture
Haha I'm also into Greek mythology! Some of my horses might have Greek names as well! I also like to stick with show names!