Hi everyone!
I am a returning player. My old account got deleted by accident and it has been several years since I've played this game, so I'm starting over.

I do like to help others in any way possible, so feel free to message me if you need help with anything. The only thing that I ask is when asking for something, please do not beg. Thanks.

Please check out my Sales tab. This is what I am asking for my horses based on GP.

0 - 999  = 500 equus
1,000 - 1,999 = 1,000 equus
2,000 - 2,999 = 1,500 equus
3,000 - 3,999 = 2,000 equus
4,000 - 4,999 = 2,500 equus
5,000 - 5,999 = 3,000 equus

And so on and so forth. However I am willing to negotiate the price. 

I started watching anime about two years ago and have a running list of the ones I like. If you have any suggestions of ones that you like then let me know and I'll try to watch it.