
I'm PlayingInBreaks. 

Looking for:

I will gladly take any unwanted horses for 1000eq.


The name PlayingInBreaks comes from me mainly

playing Howrse in school breaks. 
Or when the teacher is just not looking. 2491378d33154a96a2c9af449897f8b5.png
(lol don't do this yourself)

My avatar is a portrait of the fabulous
Bob Ross. He was a fantastic teacher and artist. 
From all the painting videos I've seen with him, 
he seems to have also been an incredible person and mentor. 
I love painting along with him, not necessarily painting the same image as him, but just listening to what he is saying. 

I am a very proud Hufflepuff. 


I breed Appaloosas on the team Amethyst Appaloosas and I am really enjoying this. 


Just hmu. if you want to talk or ask anything. I would really enjoy that. 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png


Ways to earn in-game items daily

Stroke a Xanthos

You may stroke five Xanthos each day for a chance to win 1000 equus and one Horn of Plenty.
|| Xanthos || 

Congratulate a Topaz

You may congratulate five Topaz each day for a chance to win 50 equus or 10 passes 
|| Topaz || 

Defrost a Frost

 You may defrost a Frost once per day for a chance to win a Hypnos' Blanket
|| Frost ||