Hi there, I'm ecunger! Thanks for taking a look at my page, feel free to PM me or shoot me a friend request!
I breed Quarter Horses and Draft Horses. I also have a purebred Hanoverian and Holsteiner stud with high BLUP and genetic potential available for coverings. If you want a discount on either of these, or to ask about other coverings, just ask!
FOR SALE/AUCTION: ([__/__] = [skill/genetics], items are bolded!)
Auction: (last edited 11/18/20)
Odysseus - 4 mo Drum Horse colt [0/718]
Nyx - 4 mo Drum Horse filly [0/721]
Sweet Dreams - 12 yr 4 mo Quarter Horse mare [4034/6027]
Dauphin - 2 yr Quarter Horse stallion [1130/4030] (Bewitched Pumpkin, Chronos' Timer!)
Admiral - 2 mo Quarter Horse colt [605/4930]
Summer's Tryst - 2mo Holsteiner filly [84/1892]
Somerset - 12 yr 10 mo Holsteiner mare [1359/1812]
Lover's Lament - 2 mo Hanoverian colt [0/1673]
Jubilee - 12 yr 2 mo Hanoverian mare [293/1037] (Golden Apple!)
Thalassa - 10 yr 8 mo French Trotter mare [993/1628] (Pegasus, 5th Element, Helios' Ray!)