Hi, Phantom X here
Thanks for visiting, I actually played Howrse a few years ago and am only recently getting back into it, as well as getting used to many new features.
I am glad to be back, Feel free to message me with questions or just to chat.
Also I am always looking for colored tack, feel free to message me about it, or if you need help completing a set for objectives, feel free to ask.
I accept friends request, will help with promos, and feel free to message about help with the game or if you're having trouble with objectives, I will always try to help when I'm able.
I do tend to delete players who are inactive for more then 30 days. However feel free to refriend.
(Space reserved for events, check back during events that you may need help with.)
I love to cross breed on this game, it is quite a bit more involved then most people realize, and can be quite rewarding, feel free to message me about crossbreeding, advice, and schedules tailored to your crosses skill-set, or
If you need help working out a certain cross breed skill set and specific breeds.
I love helping people discover and work on cross breedings to get the horse of their dreams within the games limits.
Feel free to message about BMI trades, if I dont have something you're looking for, I may try to help in other ways if I can.
Fjord Retired Coats
I love Fjords! And I love Fjord inspired coats. If you have a retired Fjord coat that you are interested in selling feel free to message me. I'll likely be interested in buying.
I will give higher incentive to coats I dont have already but if it's a nice coat I might not mind multiples
I'll also look at limited edition and regular GA's but pricing might be lower.
Currently not purchasing
Selling horses
I value passes more then equus.
If you are negotiating for an equus price on a horse that is up for passes, expect to pay a bit more then the exchange rate.
Example: 100 passes- 120,000 equus.
If you are wanting to pay passes instead of equus, it'll also be slightly discounted.
Example: 100,000 equus- 80 passes.
(More flexible negotiations with players with less then 120 days seniority.)
My for sales tab is more of a placeholder tab. I put horses there for awhile before actually putting them into sales, however feel free to take a look. I'm more likely to give deals and discounts on horses when messaged about them.
I also have my blupped horses that I'll sell, you can see those in their respective tabs. Their prices tend to be higher, depending on GP I wont sell a blupped horse for less then 20,000 equus (or less then 15 passes.) I'm more willing to negotiate on that for players with less then 90 days seniority.
I'm also willing to help blup a horse if you are having troubles with it.
I'm working on breeding and selling high quality percherons.
More then 1000 GP, I will sell for 100 passes or 120,000 equus.
However, if you are a player with less then 100 days seniority, I may be more willing to adjust the price for players wanting to start breeding drafts.
For players with under 100 days seniority I will also offer a "buy 1, get 1 half off deal." So if you buy a percheron for 100 passes and message me, I will set up a percheron of the opposite gender for 50 passes in reserved sales. (150,000 equus if you go that route)
That's 5 days worth of passes if you do both daily objectives.
If I am out of percheron foals I will still offer for the next breeding that comes around.
New player offers are for players with less then 100 days seniority. If you fit the criteria, and buy a horse under special offer, and then sell them to a player who does not, as a work around, I wont be making special deals for the new player or the person who got them through a work around.
Best wishes and good day