My name is Corey! I used to play on a different account a few years ago and was on a few high GP teams and even bred the first ever red star paint horse unicorn!

My absence from the game led to my old account being deleted, however, I recently got the urge to  start playing again and opened a new account. I don't have a plan in mind at the moment. I've bred and blupped just about every breed in the past, so  I'm having fun collecting all the breeds again and aim to  collect all  the coats for them as well. 

All of the horses in my for sale tab are bred by me and have gone through complete foal games to gain an additional 60 skill points. Most are males in coat colors I already have and come in multiple breeds. These horses are always for sale for 5000e. 

I am an adult player. I'm a full time critical care nurse and as such my time online can get a little random at times as I play as my schedule allows. I  accept all friend requests!