My name is Lauren and I am so excited that you’re interested in having me be part of your journey in the Equine world

So let me tell you a little about my journey and how I ended up here.
I started really riding at the age of 14. I took basic western lessons and worked them off by mucking stalls, cleaning water barrels and feeding. As I progressed I found a love for competing. I started taking barrel racing lessons and then progressed into learning how to race. Due to my family’s financial situation, I continued to work off the lessons. I was lucky enough to be taught by someone that then let me use one of her horses to compete on. I did that for a couple of years until I was gifted my first horse at the age of 18.
My first horse Friday was the first horse I ever trained on my own. I had her for a year and a half until I traded her for my second horse, Reno. I got Reno January 15th 2016 and just sold her a couple years ago to teach kids how to ride. She made all the dreams I had come true. She won me money, prizes, my first buckle and taught me patience and understanding. She made me a better rider and a better horsewoman. She just had her one and only baby in April 2020 and I sold him to a good friend of mine to raise and run herself.
Rocket is a 5 year old Quarter Horse that was gifted to me by a good friend of mine. She believed in me and wanted to see me succeed to she just gave him to me. I spent 6 months working under a professional horse trainer and barrel racer and am grateful for all the knowledge I gained. I was able to start him on my own and put his first 10 rides on him. After I sold my other 2 horses, I sent him off to a colt starter to have him started all the way. I have done all the barrel racing training on him and we plan on entering our first race here soon!
I currently live in Arizona with my husband, who is a firefighter, and our 3 dogs, Dozer (8 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback), Hazel (2 year old Brittany Spaniel) and Kimmie (1 year old Pit Bull). I work in as a 911 Operator in the Dispatch Center for the Fire Department.