This is my 3rd time playing, twice when I was younger so I lost my accounts. Both times were on the international server, but I've decided to try on this one. I know what I am doing, and can't wait to get back into the game! For reference about how long ago I started playing: Passes were not so easy to come by, Arabian horses were offered as a starter breed, Vanners just became introduced into the game, objectives didn't give you access to direct sales, seniority did, pets were introduced and everyone wanted one. And much much more!

Looking to AP Farm! I have about 3, maybe 4 days free. Just send me a message!

Willing to offer coverings from my horses, if they are not already offered, feel free to PM me!  

Thanks for 27th in popularity on 12/4/19!! And for 17th on 12/6/19! 38th on 2/27/21

*I am an adult player, (not over 30, but not under 18) so please get permission if you are a minor and would like to talk with me*

Hate has no home here, so feel free to reach out!

*1000th Congratulations will get a prize! DM me if it's you!!*