Hello! I also play on the International server where I am Becky Barnes. Over there, I breed Chincoteague Ponies, Donkeys, and experiment with various crossbreeding projects.

Sadly, there are no Chincoteague Ponies on this server, and of the breeds I was able to choose from to start with here, Appaloosas had the most familiar skill set. So, here I (so far!) breed Appaloosas. This is sort of comical given that when it comes to real horses, Appaloosas are a breed I steer clear of, as we just don't get along. (It's me, not them, but we're all happier and safer if I just steer clear. Trust me. I can charm a pony and get into their head and see how they think, but I can't do it with an Appaloosa.)

According to my birth certificate I'm an adult player, but since adulting isn't much fun, I fangirl a lot instead. I live in the United States in the Central Time Zone, so evening is the most typical time I'll be online. If it matters or is of interest, I identify as an agnostic, eclectic pop culture Pagan, I am also a Dudeist and a RickyBobbyist, and I live in a home warmly populated by OtherCrowd. 

I read as much as I can (typically nonfiction, as I enjoy history), love Star Wars dearly (it has been a huge part of my life since 1977, when I was six), and I am a massive Marvel Cinematic Universe fan (and to my shock, my favourite character after my darling Bucky is Steve Rogers -- I never saw that coming... I expected Tony Stark to be my favourite because he's a sarcastic jerk like me).

Favorite TV shows are probably all old, as I don't watch much television -- The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Homicide: Life on the Street, The Wire, The IT Crowd, Father Ted, Black Books, Snuff Box, The Young Ones, 30 Rock, and truly vintage goodness such as M*A*S*H, The Muppet Show, The Addams Family (not the movies, people, the old TV series), The Man From U.N.C.L.E., and Hogan's Heroes

I enjoy highly-detailed 1/6 figures and have several (including Hogan, Klink, and Schultzie, as well as Bucky, Steve, Natasha, Manfred von Richthofen, and a few other Germans, including the prettiest WWI infantryman anyone ever saw, and my beloved Sophie). I love old horror movies -- old ones, folks... think Bela, Boris, Vincent, Christopher, Peter. There are a few exceptions, of course, which are not so old (by my weird standards), like the old Frank Langella Dracula.

I have been known to build model cars and airplanes (never mistake the turpentine cup for your soda -- yechh!). I particularly like classic American cars, and WWI and WWII aircraft (any country), which is not a surprise from someone who adores The Red Baron and Colonel Hogan, and who cries through Red Tails (which is an awesome movie) and a good chunk of Dunkirk (which is also an awesome movie). There isn't anything quite like the sound of a Merlin engine, folks... As Mr Dawson said in Dunkirk, "Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. Sweetest sound you could hear out here." (I tear up at the sound of them. Seriously. I love them.) Oh, and mustn't forget Darkest Hour, which I love, too.

I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. I am a proud Yinzer. I speak fluent Pittsburghese, Sarcasm, and West Virginia Appalachian ("Myepya?" -- that's a whole sentence, folks), and I can say a few words in Yiddish (most of which are even polite). I also tend to speak in Pop Culture references. I am a lifelong Pittsburgh Steelers, Penguins, and Pirates fan, and after working in Morgantown for a decade I am also a fan of the West Virginia University Mountaineers football team. 

My simplest rule is this: Let People Like Things. Don't like everything I like? That's fine. But you don't get to dog me for liking them -- you get to take a psychic message from Dionne and Walk On By, do not stop at the cookie table, do not collect a kolachi.