Hi everyone! My name is Missy and I am an adult player, so kids: make sure it's okay with your parents before messaging! I will talk to anybody who is nice to me, will accept all friend requests, and I try to return congrats. I play for fun and don't really care about the standings (but congrats if you're one of the best!) I had a better game awhile ago, but life happened and it got deleted from lack of use. Thanks for reading and have a great game!

About Me:

     I have loved horses since playing with my My Little Ponies as a kid in the 80's. On my 16th birthday, I was given the choice of a horse or a car. My choice was a buckskin and white Pinto mare named Shooting Star (see avatar) who I loved like crazy! I was never very competitive so we never showed; we just rode the trails with friends and raced through the fields.

     After high school, I decided to go away to college for Equine Science. Best part: the friends I made, riding and Breeding Management class (Foalwatching 101! LOL) Worst part: just about everything else. Bad experience for many reasons, not least of which was because I had to sell Star. Luckily, my friend fell in love with Star and convinced her mom to buy her.

     I lasted 2 1/2 years there before I lost my financial aid. I took a couple years off for health reasons then went to a different school for Veterinary Technology. The schools were like night and day! I loved it there and got my degree in VT. I have since had more health issues and can't work now with or without horses, but the horse experiences were awesome!