About My Game:  I am not competitive.  I collect Divines (if you have any sellable ones that you don't want, please make an offer!).  I am working on making my Equestrian Center the best it can be.  Reach out if you want to reserve boxes.

Sales: I will sell Donkeys/Drums for 15-30 Passes each.  For Unicorn Donkeys, the price is on request.  I will sell almost all of the horses in the other horses for 5,000+ Equus, or 10+ Passes, depending on the horse.  Check out my sales tab!  I will never sell team horses.

Competitions:  Check out my competitions, I'm going for rosette quality, so I'd appreciate any help!

Prize Games: My 3500th congratulate gets a BMI.  Please message me to receive your reward.

Friend Requests: I accept most friend requests.  I will help in events if requested.

Teams: I am not currently on any teams.  Message me if you want me to join your team, but the chances aren't that good that I will accept.  I think I've had my fill of teams!

Links: Let me know if any of them don't work!

Stroke Xanthos for a chance to win a Horn Of Plenty

Defrost Frost for a chance to win a Hypnos' Blanket.

Congratulate Topaz to win Equus

Answer Archimedes' question correctly to win an Aging Point.  

Below is nothing of value, and mostly just reposts from other people's pages.

 I was your best friend as a kitten. You threw hairbands and I brought them back to you. You would happily pet me and call me your baby girl and princess. I loved you and kept you safe from the bad dreams that you had when you were little. As you got older, you brought more boys into the home. I saw you light some weed and crack every now and then, but loved you all the same. I slept by your side at night, but when a boy was in the home, you would kick me and throw me into the closet. I waited until the boy left and you let me out. As time progressed, you stopped feeding me and giving me water. You only fed me when you bred me and sold my beloved kits. When I was old and delivered a bad litter, you threw me and my kits outside to live in the cold and darkness. My kits were blind, one deaf, and my third was born dead. I thought you cared, but I was wrong. When winter struck, my kittens died and I lived in a trash can until the humane society found me. I was given food and shelter, but no attention that an old she-cat needed. People would look at me through my cage, they would smile and wave, but no-one ever took me home. I was too old for anyone's likings. One cold winter day, a man with tears in his eyes took me out of my cage and into a light-filled room. He told me I was going to a better and pain-free place. I purred and licked his hand weakly as he placed the antiseptic needle in my veins. As I closed my eyes, I thought of you, my hurtful owner, that I loved and cared for when you were young. It was I who made you laugh when you were about to cry. It was I, the old female cat, that put up with you as you grew older, and this was the thanks I got. I closed my eyes and entered a pain-free place, as the lovely man promised me. Copy this story onto your page if you hate animal abuse and if it brought tears to your eyes as it did mine.  From Horse Lady Nur's page.

Type your name: flurpy444
Type your name with eyes closed: flurpy222
Type your name with your elbow: edikyero0t63w33
Type your name with your nose: fo707444
Type your name with your pinky: flurpy444
Bash your head on the keyboard: yhhy
Now put this on your page with your own results!
(Trust me, it's very fun)

Raise your hand and repost if you think the Eragon movie needs to be remade.
Me: *Raises 4 hands......oh......wait....I don't have 4 hands...........time to go get more hands!

People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships.They are kind, pretty or handsome. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why. They are very funny, outgoing and don't care what other people think or say. They are very satisfying & only love that one girl/guy. They are straight up WARRIORS when necessary. Post this on your page if you have blue eyes.

Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in awrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Isn't tihs so wreid? I tnhik it is the wreidset tnihg on Ertah! If you can raed tihs cpoy and ptsae tihs on yuor porlfie. Tanhks

. . . ’,|;-,.¸ .¸¸ . . . ¸,.,¸.
 . . . . ¸,’ ¸,. . ¸ `-,”~-~’,¸,.¹-~-._¸,.
. . . . ) . ‘”¨ . .):. .`-,;:.`,’;;‘¸,.¹¯¸¸,.- The punctuation horse wants to be on
. . .,-’ , , , , ,-‘;:.. . .`-¸;:.`,’--~’`,¯-.,¸_ everyone's page. Do your part, by putting
. . (. ,•¸,-~’¨|;;;::.. .. . “-,;:/,`,-~-~¬¯. . . . . . .¸,..,¸ . . . . .¸,.-~--.¸_ him on your page
. . . ¨`” . . . .|;;;:::.. . .. . ¯¯`*¬~---~~¬¬”``~-,;:;;`”~--~”:;;::,-“’’``¯¨` and help him
. . . . . . . . . ;;;::… . … , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¨`-,;;:;;::;;::;:;:`¬~-.¸ get around
. . . . . . . . . /;;;:;::… ,, ..:;, . . . . . . . . . ., ¸ . . . .`,;;:;:::;:;:;;-~”`¨¨`¬~ Howrse :-)
. . . . . . . . .|;;::;:... .:; .:;;¸ . . . . . . . . . ..:’ . . . . . |;;::;;:;:;;”-~¬~-.,¸.-~’
. . . . . . . . . ;;::.. . `` .:;;;, . . . . . . . . . .::: . . . . . ,’`”~-,;;:;:;;.¸.,~--“`¨
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. . . . . l’:,~-¬`;;:¸.-~¬”```”¬~--~¬, ..:;;¸-‘¨¯`;:.. ./
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Post this on your page if you think we should be able to adopt horses from the Safe Haven!

Copy-paste this if you think players should get a pass on their birthday!

Funny things to ask yourself:
Have I had my golden birthday yet?
Why am I still reading this super long presentation?
Why do I play video games?
When was the last time I did something nice?
Why do I exist?
Why is money so important?
Why can't Jeff Bezos take an interest in me?
What is the meaning of life?

A little bit about me:

English: birth language
Spanish: learning on Duo lingo
French: know a few words

Favorite books/authors

Harry Potter; Great books, though the movies less so.
Stephen King; I always love a good spooky book.
Eragon; Great book series - I especially love the newest edition, Murtagh

(Yes, I am a bookworm)

Repost this is you've never reposted anything before.  

Writing the word no with my:

Nose: n09
All my fingers pinched together: nop
My chin: nkl
My fist: nmo
10 pencils at the same time: ho
With my mouse: no
Using only emojis: 0fd592f456bea641257e4da7e950bde4.png0fd592f456bea641257e4da7e950bde4.pngdc3d4590272ae45e790465242b09b2ea.png

Homework =

Half Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge.

Writing the word book with:
My nose: bo9o9k
All my fingers pinched together: book
My chin: bollm
My fist:b oolk
10 pencils at the same time: gbopook
With my mouse: booik
With only emojis: b1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.pngb1b6a66667260b562004585b2c72b31c.png

Don't go down.  There's nothing there.

Still nothing!

Why are you still here?  There's nothing down here, I promise.

Boy, you really have time to kill.

I won't reward you.

Please stop...

Please go do something else...


Go read something else

Wow, you're still here.  But I can tell you for sure that your quest is fruitless.

Still nothing.

Why don't you leave?

You know, scrolling more won't get you a reward.

Fine.  Send me the code & get a free thing!  


There you go.  I rewarded you.

You thought there was going to be something else down here, huh?