-----Important stuff-----
Last update ( Monday Sep 4 2023)
Everything in the for sale tab is for sale!
prices as followed
DM me if you want to buy any horses that are in the "in training" tab and I will reserve them for you.
Hi Im Percheron. I'm just a horse trader. I'll buy horses BLUP them up them sell them. I also play around with breeding thoroughbreds. I sell my studs off as yearlings and keep my mares back. Any random horses I have that I win most of the time I BLUP and sell as "Percherons Best". Anything in "for sale" is for sale, DM me for prices. Also anything that is in the "in training" tab will be for sale when their done training so feel free to DM me if you wan't one of them. I buy any unwanted horses under 10 years old.
Are you low on money and have horses you want to get rid of? Will don't sell them yet! Here is a way to get the bang for your buck!
First pick out what horses you want to sell,
Then start BLUPing them up. ( In my opinion there a lot of high GP horses but not enough high BLUPed horses)
When BLUPing them try to get the horses excellent skills to 100% and other skills to 50%
If you don't want to wait that long get all of the horses skills to 50% ( The higher you can BLUP the horses the more money you will get for it.)
When you sell it pick out things that will make the horse look nice. Like animations that bring out the coat color or tack that makes the horse look happy and proud.
Then put the horse in auctions.
If lots of people want that horse then they will raise the price in a bidding war.
If no one buy the horse in auctions (not very common still possible) Put the horse in direct sales for the price you want.