
Who I Am

Hey, it's BackRoadie!

Ok, so first things first, I'm basically a newbie? I had the game for like a few years at one point but then quit to be a nerd in school. 
Back again though, decided to create a new account and everything so let's see what'll happen this time around!

I am perpetually half-broke and always looking for something dumb to spend my money on. 

I'm an adult player (18 is technically an adult, right??), and am a freshman psychology major at my local college. 

I've never owned a horse, although I took tons of lessons as a kid since I was 5 until time and money became a little more scarce. 
I'm still horse crazy, so this is kind of a (hopefully cheaper) substitute!

I love school, people, and coffee. I am addicted to cold brew coffee!!

I play other games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Far Cry 4, and the Assassin's Creed series. Xbox FTW. 

I have a 3 year old tuxedo cat who I rescued from the shelter when he was only 2 months old, and he is the only man I need in life. 

I'll accept any friend requests, and answer any messages unless you're rude. 

Thanks for stopping by my page and taking the time to read this!
Happy howrsing, guys :D

What I'm Doing

To be honest, I'm always wondering what the heck I'm doing so...

I'm working on getting trotters and thoroughbreds up to Prix standards right now. With thoroughbreds it'll definitely be a lot tougher, due to the (very)  large GP gap between breeder and sales.
Sorry for the small tangent...

Anyways, I am obviously against GP hoarding so DM me if you think I can help you with anything. I know I can't do much right now, but I'm trying! 

When selling any foals/horses they cost roughly what I put into them (things like Tears, Harmony Packs, GAs, etc). I try to keep things reasonable though!

Happy howrsing guys :D

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