-hello! my name is sarah and i am a returning player. unfortunately, my account got deleted due to inactivity but I'm glad to be back! 

-complete all my starting objectives
 -getting as many horses i can for a start
-get my first divine!

-4/15/2020. I reached 2nd in popularity! 

more info about me
-i am a junior in high school! I played all the time since I was 12, but i slowly dropped howrse around 2016? i believe. but because of this crazy virus flying around, i decided to look back at a lot of my childhood games and howrse seems to stick with me. i'm so very happy to be back!
-i am a dancer, I'm part of my school's drill team! i also play soccer, and im the president elect for my drama club. my other school clubs include fbla, spanish club, NHS, hope squad, student council, spirit club and a couple more.

-i have many interests (or fandoms, if you will), that are big parts of my current life.
i have an instagram video editing page (i edit on after effects 2019), send me a message if you want the @!

some of my interests include:
shows- doctor who, good omens, the office, steven universe, psych, the good place, high school musical the musical (which is my profile picture), gravity falls, the rookie, all rise, new amsterdam,  stranger things, and more!

movies (series)- marvel, star wars, dc, disney, little women!!

theatre- i am an actor, i love being onstage and the feeling of completing a show! as of now, i have been in: 13 plays/musicals.
-i love all broadway productions such as hamilton, dear evan hansen, all the disney shows, and even shrek! and tons more. 
-my most recent musical: the drowsy chaperone
-i am currently listening to: hades town

books- percy jackson (and the rest of riordan's books) and harry potter. 
-currently reading: to kill a mockingbird
 i am always in need of new books! please! if you have and book recommendations, please pm me!

mini game! 
 (i will do these as often as i can!)
-all of my horses are named after characters in the list above! 
if you can name what show/movie/book (give me the specific title (and season, if its a show)) AND the characters full name; 
that i named my horse Wilf after, i'll gift you a hypnos blanket
 (add some information about his character as well please!)

-i absolutely love making friends and meeting new people. please pm me if you'd like to talk or get to know me! heck, id be so happy if all you are doing is a sales pitch! id love to have a full mailbox, so pm me anytime!
-the thing about friendships... I will only add you If you have previously pm'ed me before because I quite like short friend lists, ngl. pm me first!